ISTTM is the first business school in the Hyderabad which has introduced an outsourcing model in the Academic industry. The Master in the business will teach you business. ISTTM has partnered with ZTE to teach OEM Business, SOTL to teach Telecom and IT, and Software business. ISTTM has also partnered with Huawei to certify the students in their respective businesses. At ISTTM, graduates are well-trained on the application of technology in Business strategy, Markrting, Finance, HR, Analytics and Operations Management. ISTTM program is the best combination of industry and academic experience. It has redefined the academic learning and teaching methodology.
ISTTM is the top PGDM college in Hyderabad with an industry integration partnership with Omega, ZTE, Huawei, Brio Factors, DreamUny, SANCTUS IT, VGROWSOFT, iB HUBs and Harleys promotes PGDM in Technology Management.